The PowerShell pipeline, is fairly similar to C#/VB’s LINQ. Both filter a group of elements through a series of transformations which produce a new series of elements. The devil is in the details of course but I’ll get to that in a future post.

When using PowerShell I constantly find myself wanting to use various LINQ expressions on a pipeline. Unfortunately, many LINQ expressions have no built-in equivalent in PowerShell. Most are fairly straightforward to write but a few are a bit trickier. In either case, there’s no reason for people needing to figure them out twice. So I’ll be starting a series on LINQ expressions in PowerShell.

Also, my posts are getting a bit long winded as of late. This will be a good oppuritunity to get some shorter posts up.

Today’s entry is the equivalent of Enumerable.Skip. The operation takes a count and skips ‘count’ elements in the enumeration. For PowerShell, it’s the equivalent of skipping ‘count’ elements in the pipeline.

# Skip the specified number of items
function Skip-Count() {
    param ( $count = $(throw "Need a count") )
    begin { 
        $i = 0
    process {
        if ( $i -ge $count ) { 
        $i += 1
    end {}


PS:) 1..10 | skip-count 5

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