I just released an update to VsVim for Visual Studio 2010. This is available on the extension manager in Visual Studio or can be downloaded directly at the following link. 1
Link: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/59ca71b3-a4a3-46ca-8fe1-0e90e3f79329
GitHub: http://github.com/jaredpar/VsVim
**What does 1.0 mean? **
Several people asked me what 1.0 meant for VsVim’ From the first release of the project to the web I’d envisioned 1.0 as the point where I had a highly functional Vim implementation in Visual Studio.’? Something a Vim user could add to Visual Studio and become immediately more productive. Given the feedback I’d been receiving and seeing the trend in filed issues from major features to more minor features and bugs I felt like VsVim met that goal.
For me personally it’s a significant milestone in what started out as a pet project to do little more than learn F# and the new Visual Studio Editor APIs. It was only after a few months of toying around in my spare time that I thought it might end up having value to people other than myself. Even then I was just as interested in publishing a working Visual Studio 2010 editor extension for documentation purposes as I was in the actual functionality (although my primary goal quickly transitioned towards functionality). I thought it would be great if I ended up with 1000 downloads in the first year. As of this writing VsVim is at 24,000 downloads and lots of positive community feedback!?? It all really exciting for me.
Release Notes
This release is mainly a bug fix release on top of previous releases: particularly in the area of motions and synchronizing settings between Visual Studio and VsVim.
I do want to take a second and again thank everyone who gave me feedback or filed issues throughout the entire development cycle. It really helps to have such great feedback to work against.
The usual caveats and expectations
This extension is being released by me, not by Microsoft. As such the support level for this extension is equivalent to the amount of free time I have to put into it.
Source for this release is available on the GitHub project site. It and the associated binaries are released under the MS-PL.
The update was actually released a few weeks ago but in my excitement I forgot to blog about it. ↩