Vsvim Update Released Version 0 5 2

I just released an update to VsVim for Visual Studio 2010 Beta2. This should be available shortly from the extension manager in Visual Studio or it can be downloaded directly at the following link Link: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/59ca71b3-a4a3-46ca-8fe1-0e90e3f79329

Vim Emulator Editor For Beta2 Released

This is essentially the same release as the original but updated for some changes that occurred in the APIs between Beta1 and Beta2.

Type Safety Issue When Assigning Ccomptr T Instances

Recently while making a bug fix to our selection tracking code I discovered an unexpected behavior with CComPtr instances. The crux of the fix included creating a new tracking mechanism exposed via COM in the type ISelectionTracking. The old interface, lets call it IOldTracking, was a completely unrelated interface in terms of inheritance hierarchies.

Speaking At Dev Connections In Las Vegas Next Week

Next week I will be speaking at Dev Connections in Las Vegas. I will be running the following sessions

Using F Discriminated Unions In C Beta2

While updating my VsVim editor extensions for Beta2 1 I got hit by a change in the way F# exposed discriminated unions in metadata. My extension consists of a core F# component with a corresponding set of unit tests written in C#. It’s mostly API level testing and as such I use a lot of F# generated types in my C# test assembly.

  1. It’s coming I promise!