Ienumerable And Ienumerable Of T 2
Quick follow up to my earlier post. Fixing this issue in C# is even easier because of the existence of iterators.
Quick follow up to my earlier post. Fixing this issue in C# is even easier because of the existence of iterators.
IEnumerable(Of T) is a huge step up in the 2.0 framework from the original IEnumerable interface. It provides a typed enumeration which eliminates lots of nasty casts. The best part is that IEnumerable(Of T) is backwards compatible with IEnumerable (it inherits from it).
If you haven’t heard the news yet, you can read the full article on ScottGu’s Blog.
This discussion is building upon a previous post on how to acquire an anonymous type … type.
We’ve heard feedback from several customers regarding the way certain types are displayed in the Debugger. Many of the displays exist to maintain the user experience between versions of Visual Studio. We constantly evaluate if this is the correct choice for a given version of the product.