Vsvim Update Released Version 0 7 0

I just released an update to VsVim for Visual Studio 2010 Beta2. This should be available shortly from the extension manager in Visual Studio or it can be downloaded directly at the following link

Having Fun with Events in F#

Recently I ran into a situation where I needed to handle some events in F# in a special way. In this particular case I wanted to be able to disable and re- enable my handler based on changes in the program. Essentially the C# equivalent of continually adding and removing the handlers.

Easier Script Deployment In Powershell 2 0

If you can’t tell from reading entries in my blog I’m a bit of a script junkie. I loathe typing out the same command sequence more than once. As such I go to great lengths to script as much as possible in life. I also enjoy sharing my scripts with other members of my team.

The Many Cases of ByRef

One of the overlooked or simply misunderstood features of the VB language is calling a function which has a ByRef parameter. Most languages support only a single method of passing parameters by reference 1, that is the scenarios directly supported by the CLR. The CLR has a lot of restrictions on the type of values it supports for ByRef parameters and these restrictions get in the way of VB’s goal to be a flexible language that strives to get out of the way of the user. Hence the compiler goes to great lengths to be flexible and support multiple avenues of ByRef passing, much beyond what the CLR natively allows.

  1. Starting with version 4.0, C# now supports two versions of reference passing. In addition to the one available since 1.0 the ref modifier is now optional when making an interop call to a COM object: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/samng/archive/2009/06/16/com-interop-in-c-4-0.aspx 

Vsvim Update Released Version 0 6 0

I just released an update to VsVim for Visual Studio 2010 Beta2. This should be available shortly from the extension manager in Visual Studio or it can be downloaded directly at the following link